This H&S pattern is encapsulated witihn the 20 year pattern I have been writing about extensively.
If you subscribed to my Aimed Daily Market Forecast or Aimed Bi-Monthly Market Forecast you would have known about the potentiality of it 24 hours ago. Check out the William Tell TradeCraft store for details, just click the June 1 bi-monhtly report image.
Todays action looks to have made this right shoulder a done deal, definately bad news for Monday-Next week, unless something extraordinarily positive happens...
It's possible this could still head up, but it actually double topped, so I 'd say it's a goner. Especially since the the DOW dropped 150 at the open. Maybe a success story out of the Gulf will stem the bleeding, but even that may not be enough good news.
The $RUA is sans Fibonacci lines... Each chart looks the same there is no escaping this Large Cap, Small Cap, Micro Cap, it just doesn't matter.
The little dipper.