What level do you think the DOW will be at in 3 months?
DOW 4500 / S&P 330 / RUA
Given the recent events unhinging the capital markets, public and shadow... I am shifting the focus of this site to cover the likely decline of the equities market to DOW 4500. Privately I have been anticipating this decline since October of 2009. It was only when the market's reaction on 4/29/2010 -- in response to the Goldman allegation's -- that I believed that a top had been put in. Given now there is heightened awareness due to the "Flash Crash" and the rapid rate that the market is unraveling there is no time to waste. Knowing this will help protect yourself and protect your assets. Ok so I've been watching this right shoulder (this is a market technical term Head and Sholders pattern which usually signals a significant decline is in process or is about to occur) form since October of 2009, and I have been patiently waiting for it to develop. Being that it was an election year I thought that it would take on the aspect of a rounded top and that it would likely move into a trading range until after the election. I also considered that the decline would happen much quicker than the left shoulder top in 2000 and the head top in 2007. However, based on the action since the Goldman civil suit was announced I have concluded that it is failing harder and faster than envisioned. In fact we are seeing the first throes of the downside now. Given the recent spate of the recent geo-political, geo-financial and geo-environmental issues it is adding lubricant to the already slippery slope of a mega downtrend.From a techinical aspect this never looked very good, from a fundemental aspect it is starting to reinforce the dire technical aspect.
In the about me profile, is the main mission... now it's about survival.